Student Support

We are a department which has an impact on the whole school; as a small team of teachers, learning support assistants, volunteers and sixth form helpers, we support students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and those with English as a Second Language (EaL). All students are entitled to a broad, balanced curriculum to meet their needs, link. We work with students to help promote this entitlement.

The department supports students through a range of strategies, including, in-class support across the curriculum, work with small groups of students to improve their literacy, one to one support based on individual need, listen to and monitor students to evaluate their learning throughout the year, encourage students to feel comfortable and safe in school and through pastoral care we can enable them to develop their confidence.

We deliver support through differentiation which includes different resources, teaching styles and strategies: student grouping in class, methods of monitoring and assessment and allocation of teachers and support staff. It is important that we work with all staff to develop methodology in SEN and EaL. This is done by regular meetings and INSET, questioning, group work, peer tutoring and time allocation to tasks and modules to help all students succeed.